In America we are becoming more and more aware of the ongoing droughts, extreme heat conditions, destructive hurricanes, ferocious blizzards, devastating wildfires and all of the other weather related disasters we continue to experience. As such, we are finding that the need for a water trailer is ever-increasing.

Potable emergency water storage tanks

The C & I Equipment Company, Waterdog water trailers, have provided drinking water solutions to areas recently struck by these severe weather disasters, such as California, Puerto Rico, Texas, and Florida. We have worked with individuals as well as municipalities helping to bring much needed drinking water to those without any.

Waterdog water trailers have also come to the aid of hundreds of home owners that were looking for a better way to protect their home and property with equipment used in fire prevention/ fire-fighting.

 Water Dog 2035 water tanks for trucks

Each Waterdog water trailer that comes out of the Arizona Trailer Specialists, Inc. facility is going to work for you the first time, every time. We only manufacture DOT approved trailers and out-fit each with the best materials available.



Our product is proven to rise above the competition in performance, craftsmanship, ingenuity and durability.

We’ll be happy to discuss and assist you with finding the ideal solution to your water hauling needs.

Give us a call at 520-579-7458.